Makara Nakato

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Early Life and Upbringing


 <title source="title1">
   <default>Makara Nakato</default>
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</image> <group collapse="open"> <header>Physical Attributes</header> <label>Hometown</label> <label>Species</label> <label>Gender</label> <label>Height</label> <label>Weight</label> </group> <group collapse="open"> <header>Wrestling Attributes</header> <label>Entrance Theme</label> <label>Finisher</label> <label>Signature(s)</label> <label>Currently Held Title(s)</label> <label>Title History</label> <label>Debut</label> <label>Quotes</label> <image source="image2"> </image> </group> </infobox> Makara Nakato, it is unknown where exactly she was born (believed to be somewhere between Peru and Brazil), or what month she was born but, it is known that she was born in the year 2002. She was brought to the United States as an infant, her birth parents ultimately leaving her there for a hopefully better life as they returned to who knows where. She currently resides in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her adoptive sister, Amara-Nia Nakato.

Growing Up/School Life

Makara's younger years weren't exactly the happiest. Having been abandoned at a young age, Makara spent the first 5 years of her life in a foster home somewhere in Detroit. Now saying that, you probably think she was adopted at that point, but the truth is, at 5 years old she ran away from her foster family. (To this day she still doesn't know why she did it.) She didn't stop or even turn around, she just ran and ran as far as she could go.

A few days after being gone, Makara had been stopped and taken into a van, being a kid she didn't know what was going on. They took her to a warehouse that seemed to be some kind of sweatshop setup. The young jaguar was put into a room and told to stay, as they gave her different things to drink. She was fed, but only barely, the days kept getting longer and longer for her as everyday they would bring her some new drink and upon three separate occasions they had injected something to her. They all had different effects on her, but we won't get into all of that. This continued until she was 6 years old when the warehouse/sweatshop got raided by a few of the local law enforcements after word had got out of what was going on. They had taken Makara to the hospital where she had to stay for a few months, whatever those people had made her drink and take, put her in a really bad condition, so it took them a little while to get everything flushed out of her body.

When it came time for Makara to be released, she was initially going to be given to child protective services. Only, just like before she ended up running away from the hospital. She was in a whole new city, a whole new state even. She didn't know where she was going, but she once again just kept running. The hospital had put up missing child posters for her, but nobody was able to track her down, and eventually they kind of just stopped searching after about a year. All the while, Makara then aged 7, had been taken in by one of the local gangs of the city. They had managed to teach her up to about a third grade level, but waited to enroll her into an actual school until she was old enough to be in 4th grade. Now this stay with the group didn't come without its conditions, it was expected that they would eventually cash in a favor of sorts with her, but they never told her what it would be.

It would be in the 4th grade where Makara would meet Amara, the young cheetah not being the most social of people at this time due to anxiety. Makara ended up starting the first conversation and things just kicked off from there. From that point on the Jaguar and the Cheetah were just always together, Makara even regularly spending nights at Amara's house. Once they hit the 6th grade, Amara's parents made the decision to legally adopt Makara into their family, Makara even taking their last name.

At age 12, the gang that had previously taken in Makara, finally cashed in that favor. Every Saturday night, they had entered her into a very violent and clearly illegal, fighting pit. She was taught only the bare minimum on how to fight, so she went into most unprepared. Now the one bright side to all of this was she was actually getting paid for this, so she had started saving every single wad of cash they gave her, which got larger the more she fought, and especially if she won. During this brutal cycle of violence, Makara would suffer permanent damage to her left eye, causing the jaguar to become blind in that eye. She also sustained some pretty gnarly gashes that were more than skin deep on her chest, back and stomach that left permanent scarring. A final thing was she now has limited movement of her tail, lifting it will cause a good bit of pain. But moving it side to side in small bits doesn't bother her too much., the most movement it gets is when she walks or runs, as it's just swaying behind her.

At age 16, she was essentially fired from the pits after she deliberately attacked the person that was running the whole thing. Luckily for her by that point she had saved nearly 200 thousand dollars just in those few years of doing the fights. Now free to actually focus on herself Makara started focusing more on school and personal life, getting good grades, spending more time with her sister, and even signing up for MMA classes so she can learn to fight properly. She graduated along side Amara at the end of the year, the cheetah being 17 at the time. Makara's college life wasn't too interesting, but she did get a teaching degree out of it (She's qualified to be a History and English teacher), so that's a bonus. She does however occasionally work as a substitute teacher when needed.

Introduction to Wrestling

Around the same time as Amara, in 4th grade Makara started showing an interest in wrestling. Completely ignoring the "DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME" warnings they'd always plaster over the screen, she and Amara would constantly create mini shows at home, often times getting each other hurt because one, they had no idea what they were doing and two, they constantly jumped off the bunk bed they had. There were many times where their parents caught them or came in to see the aftermath. Amara by this time was doing gymnastics, and every time she got home, she'd try to teach Makara what she learned, which worked somewhat but Amara does have a lot more flexibility than the jaguar still.

Along side the cheetah, Makara would watch numerous DVD's, Video Cassettes, and YouTube videos to try and learn the moves, but also just to watch clips of their favorite wrestlers. In Makara's case she liked some of the bigger stars, Steve Austin, Undertaker, Batista, Eddie Guerrero and others. With her mimicking these bigger guys and girls, her love for the sport just kept on growing, especially when she found the old ECW clips or just any other hardcore wrestling federation., this would eventually influence some of her fighting styles in the pits when she fought in them.

Finding UFW and Applying

Now, it's pretty clear that Makara's relation to Amara probably had a hand in her finding and Applying to UFW. She saw Amara appear on it first, then decided to come down and visit to see what everything was about. After quite a few months, Makara decided to apply and started training until she heard back. She bought a warehouse space for herself and Amara to train in, calling it the "JagZone/FightZone." The jaguar themed it towards hardcore wrestling in the main building, while the secondary was more for regular matches and such.

On October 4th 2023, Makara got a call about her application she had sent in and was informed that she got the job! Her first match taking place on the 15th October edition of UFW Frontline. The many sounds of excitement she made after finding out were just wonderful, though with this she decided to branch from Amara, because she wants to make a name for herself without being paired with or compared to Amara.

Debut Match

October 15th, 2023., Makara finally made her debut in the second match of Frontline. Her opponent was the tie dye, splatter paint wearing Snow Leopard, Kao. Though before the match or show even began, the jaguar had taken the snep's bandana to play a little game with him during the match. Making the wager of if he lost she got the wear the bandana for a few more shows, but if he won he'd get it back after the bell. It was a quick pace and strong match from the both of them, but ultimately Kao did win the match. Being true to her word she did give the bandana back, a fun match and a fun outcome. And as a bonus a brand new friend in the federation!